Recent Festivalitiy

It's festival season and I'm feeling very festive. To kick off I started with The Australian Poetry Centre's national festival in the SA town of Goolwa.
There was alot on and it was great to fill my ears with as much poetry as humanly possible,it's never a bad thing to fill a town ENTIRELY FULL OF POETS.
I ran the Goolwa slam where PIO was named The-Greatest-Poet-In-All-The-Land. Video coming soon.
Check out this podcast filled with recorded highlights taken by the uber coolJenJen. It's a poetry postcard to stick to your ear fridge.
Next Was the Next Wave festival where I was part of The View From Here, 19 perspectives on feminism. I contributed a piece about sport players and rape (happy, happy, joy, joy) to a publication that went with an exhibition.
All the writers from the book were paired with an artist, it was a great project seeding discussions on feminism in 19 exciting new voices.
I worked with artist Jessie Scott
The festival was brimming with ideas and made me feel sweaty with possibilities. Next was The Sydney Writers Festival and the Emerging writers Festival in Melbourne, they are on at the same time and I managed to squeeze in a performance at both.
I was really impressed with the SWF, there were large buzzing crowds, crispy sunshine, the Sydney biennale was on! They put us up at the Sofitel on the wharf, smack bang inside all the action.
I performed on the Sat night with Morganics, Charlie Dark (UK) Miles Merril and Sarah Taylor. Winner of the 2009 Australian Poetry Slam. I then made it to Melbs for the end of the EWF performing in Wordstock, a poetic tribute to AC/DC. Wordstock is kinda like Liner Notes in that it asks performers to respond to a specific track however they see fit. I got Hells Bells and wore a Collingwood jersey to perfect my 11 year old bogan character. I have never looked so horrid in the name of art. * yells dramatically*I did it for poetry!

Discaliamer *I do not, and will not, ever say the words 'go pies'*

Crowds at the SWF

The very cool Charlie Dark

Being interviewed for the telly!

The pointy thing

performing ACDC poetry at the EWF

The fabulous Clem Bastow dressed as Bon Scott complete with package...

all the beautiful people of Sydney

'It's Sandra about the Biennale'

A shot from Cockatoo Island, noice.

Sean M Whelan performing his AC/DC poem

little red ridin'in tha hood

Sydney stuff

Downtown Goolwa

An impromptu poetry performance in the rotunda, Goolwa, 1am.