The heat is ON!

The heat is on! Are you 'Stralian? Can you dazzle an audience for 2 mins with your words? Wanna win a trip to China and Bali? Well read on, friends, read on...

Imagine two minutes in the spotlight. No props. No music. Judged by the audience. Just you...and your poem.

The Australian Poetry Slam is not a poetry reading. It’s more like a howling literary campfire with verbal voodoo, breathless rhythms and sweat breaking nerves. Think Hilltop Hoods mashed with Obama, a line of Paul Kelly, a few pinches of Judith Lucy, and a test tube of Les Murray all vying for audience love.

Two finalists from each state and territory will meet in Sydney to battle with their words on the main stage of the Sydney Theatre for the 2011 APS National Final on 27th November. One will be crowned 2011 Australian Poetry Slam Champion!

The Australian Slam Champion gets to tour China as part of the Bookworm International Literary Festival and also gets a guest spot at the Ubud International Writers and Readers Festival in Bali. That is around $11k worth of flights, accommodation, expenses and performers fees. All that for one 2 min poem? Hell yeah!

For all the rules and regulations please check out

also, click on the 'Stralia to find heat times in your state.

Be good, be smart, be amazing, be enlightening, be funny, be hot, be a poet.