Help me help ASTI!

Last year I saw a documentary so heartbreaking it almost turned me inside out. It was about girls in India that were victims of acid attacks. The violent act of throwing acid, usually at the head and torso. Sounds like something from Batman but is horrifyingly real. The girls who receive these traumatising, abhorrent permanently disfiguring acts of heinous violence are destined for a life of pain and isolation. All because they didn't say 'hello' to a boy on their way to school or they rejected a marriage proposal or in one case an attacker deemed their veils 'too loose'. Acid attacks are spreading worldwide and it's GOT to stop. Andrew Watson and I have turned our track Dear All The Women Who Ever Existed into a downloadable mp3 on Bandcamp. If you download it 100% of the money (charging $5 but you can donate more) goes to ASTI (Acid Survivors Trust International) an organisation whose sole purpose is to prevent and help girls who have experienced acid attacks. http://www.acidviolence.orgThey are an amazing bunch and need all the help they can get. Please send some love their way. This is something that should only happen in comic books. 

Bandcamp have kindly waived their fee so all funds do go directly to ASTI!

Dear all the women Cover